Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday Shooting

A perfect sunny breezy Sunday in Cedar and with no other plans, we decided to head in to the relative middle of nowhere and practice our target shooting. Today was only the third time I've shot guns and I'm already loving it. Wade says that I have excellent potential because I am a blank canvas and have no bad habits. He's a really great teacher and I already am shooting what i'm aiming for - we set up beer bottles at up to 30 yds away and I was picking most of them off first try... it has nothing to do with beginners luck ;) I'm obviously Annie Oakley in the making! My gun of choice is the 22 pistol but for fun we took the semi-automatic AR-15 with a laser scope with 8 radicals (whatever the f**k that means) firing teflon ballistic bullets... Wade dictated that last part. That gun kicks a**!! It was far too heavy for me but the scope with the little red dot sight sure helps with accuracy - trouble was my arm was shaking too much from the strain of having to hold the gun steady in the breezy wind! We had such a fun afternoon, it made for a nice end to the weekend.

The beautiful place we like to call home :)
The kick-a** AR-15 - hence the goofy look on my face after seeing how powerful that thing is!

The rather more manageable 22.

Me and my own Range Master - the perfect teacher :)

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